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LTC class

Massachusetts LTC

MA LTC class
LTC class near me

This is the required course to obtain a Massachusetts LTC and each student will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course, which includes live-fire. This course will educate students on proper and safe gun handling skills, pistol parts and how they work, ammunition,  safe pistol storage, cleaning and maintenance, holsters, the license application process, and more. 


MA LTC (for MA residents): Use the “Massachusetts” certificate for this. Click this link to access the application and instructions:  Fill it out and contact your local PD to complete the process. You will want to apply for an UNRESTRICTED LTC (license to carry). They will require you to explain why they should give you the UNRESTRICTED LTC. To help you, we will provide you with a sample letter after class. Each city/town, has the right to set restrictions (work, range, possession, hunting, etc…) to your LTC. If you receive your LTC with a restriction, you can write a letter to your local PD explaining why they should change it to an UNRESTRICTED. If they still do not change it, you can appeal it and go before a judge. Some towns, like Springfield, will grant an Unrestricted LTC for first-time applicants if they have taken the NRA CCW (Concealed Carry Workshop/Defensive class), just FYI.


MA LTC (for non-residents): Click this link:*v4scww*_ga*MjIyNTE4ODExLjE3MjU1ODI1OTU.*_ga_MCLPEGW7WM*MTcyNTU4MjYyNS4xLjEuMTcyNTU4MjYzMy4wLjAuMA.. and follow the instructions and complete the application. You’ll notice that you do not need to provide a photo or fingerprints, this will be done when you go for your “interview.” Once you mail in the application, MA will send you a letter with your interview date. They will only go over what’s on the application to make sure nothing has changed, they will fingerprint you, and photograph you. Then, 90-days after your meeting, you will receive your LTC. Again, you will apply for an UNRESTRICTED LTC. It is much easier to get an UNRESTRICTED LTC when you are a non-resident since you go directly through the state. You will have to send-in an explanation as to why they should give you an unrestricted LTC. A sample letter will be provided to all students at the end of class. Non-resident LTCs are valid for 1 year. Every year you simply send in $100 and they renew it. Only every 6-years will you have to go meet with them again. We recommend a non-resident LTC if you travel at least one time to MA within a year, or if you travel through MA at least twice a year. 


MA LTC (para los que viven en MA): Usen el certificado de Massachusetts para esta licencia. Hagan click en este link y completen la aplicación: Van aplicar para un UNRESTRICTED LTC. Van a tener que explicar porque necesitan un UNRESTRICTED LTC. El instructor les dará una copia de una carta que pueden utilizar como ejemplo. Cada ciudad tiene el derecho a darles una licencia con restricciones. Springfield, por ejemplo, casi siempre da licencias con restricciones a los que aplican por la primera vez al menos de que la persona haya tomado una clase defensiva (CCW). Si les dan una licencia con restricciones, pueden enviarle una carta al cuartel explicándoles porque lo deben cambiar a un UNRESTRICTED LTC. Si no lo hacen, lo pueden apelar e ir a la corte para ver un juez. 


MA LTC (para los que NO viven en MA): Usen el certificado de Massachusetts para esta licencia. Hagan click en este link y completen la aplicación y envíenla por correo con el pago:*v4scww*_ga*MjIyNTE4ODExLjE3MjU1ODI1OTU.*_ga_MCLPEGW7WM*MTcyNTU4MjYyNS4xLjEuMTcyNTU4MjYzMy4wLjAuMA.. Van aplicar para un UNRESTRICTED LTC. Van a tener que explicar porque necesitan un UNRESTRICTED LTC. El instructor les dará una copia de una carta que pueden utilizar como ejemplo. Para los que no viven en MA es mucho mas FACIL y PROBABLE de que les den la licencia sin restricciones porque aplican directamente al estado. Una vez que envien la aplicación, el estado de MA les va a enviar una carta por correo con la fecha de su cita. La cita simplemente es para revisar la aplicación, sacarles la foto, y sacarles las huellas (incluido en el precio de la aplicación que ya enviaron). 90-dias después de esa cita, el estado de MA les enviara la licencia. Cada año hay que enviar $100 para renovarla, pero solo cada 6 años deben ir a verlos en persona. 

Location & Contact Details

Tel: (860)-707-7652


Online & in person 

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